About Us
The BMES chapter at UCSD is a student focused organization that provides both career development opportunities and events as well as social activities and a mentorship program for all UCSD undergraduate students with an interest in bioengineering and bioengineering related fields. Anyone who falls in that category is welcome to get involved! The best way to learn about what is happening is to follow us on Instagram and sign up for our mailing list which can be found in our linktree along with the latest forms and links. Our committees are the best way to get involved and connect with other students. The event pages linked above can provide an overview of what we've done, or you can contact a committee directly to hear more about their event or what they do!
At the end of each year, UCSD BMES compiles a Chapter Development Report (CDR), which we send to the National BMES Organization. Based on the CDR's from over 145 student chapters, National BMES selects one chapter to be awarded the Outstanding chapter award. We received the honor of Outstanding Chapter three times out of the past 5 years, for the 2016-2017 report, 2019-2020 report, and 2021-2022 report. To see our most recent CDR from last school year, please see here. This year, we hope to expand upon and refine our programs to make our chapter's next year even better!
To learn more about out structure and rules, find our constitution here